Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Panic is starting to set in

I heard back from the agency and I'm moving forward on one of their apartments. I freaked about the one in the 3e because I was nervous it was too far from school and far from Zu. The agency is requiring a lot of information within 24 hours and I'm trying to get it all together. I skyped them in a panic because I need a certificate of insurance, but the insurance website won't let me proceed without a contract number from the agency. It's a little bit like which came first? the chicken or the egg?

I have my flights to and from Paris- so I suppose I should be pleased with that. I leave out of Toronto on Jan 2 and return to SF at 2:30pm on March 19th. I will sleep from the moment I get back to my apt here so I can be fresh as a daisy for your wedding MB!

The school is requiring me to RE-SEND my uniform size information, which makes me wonder...did they lose my passport photos too? I'm going to Ryan's this afternoon to print all sorts of info out and then fax them to France from a Kinko's or something. Moral of this blog entry- one should always own a printer/scanner/copier as this is a royal pain to deal with!

For those of you who don't already have Skype...GET IT! that's how I'm going to be able to call for free! My Skype name is carolyngioia, if you're a member already add me as a contact! I'm new, so be patient with me!

I should probably get off my blog and get cracking on all the stuff I need to do. I can't believe I'm actually moving to Paris...I'm freaking out.

Ps. Thanks to Ryan SO much for helping me make my blog cool! You're the best

A Bientot!


  1. I just found your blog today. I'm looking forward to reading more. I hope to go to LCB for the patisserie program. Just trying to get the logistics worked out since I'm not a young person sans responsibilities, lol. I have two kiddos and a hubby. Can I ask what agency you found? I'm starting the apartment search.

  2. Nevermind, I just read some more posts and found the agency :)
