Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait?!

To be fair, I'm not really a 'planner'. I wait until the last minute to accomplish most things. My father and sisters are major planners, I'm usually the one that will say "It will all work out". While being homeless in Paris is much better off than being homeless anywhere else, it really freaked me out. Lauren said that I was screaming in my sleep the other night "I'm NEVER going to find one"...yikes.

Then my fairy godmother Nancy called. Nancy is a colleague of Lauren's at Sotheby's that has an apartment in Paris that she and her husband Michael are letting me rent while I'm there. Embarrassing as this is, I was jumping up and down screaming when she called saying I could rent it. They sent me pictures and I'm fairly certain that it's the most fabulous apartment that ever existed in Paris. The location is PERFECT (in the 7e) and I will be in a home. As Lauren said it "You will be yelled and screamed at all day, and burn your hands and cut your fingers, but at least you have a home to come home to!". I will be able to walk to school which is important considering the sheer amount of butter I plan on ingesting, and there's a woman who lives in the building that can help me if I get lost, or something tragic that is bound to happen to me.

Since I made the decision to come to Le Cordon Bleu, things have just seemed to fallen into place. I've been able to find someone to sublet my place in SF, I've now found a place in Paris, I've got my flights, I dropped off my car, I've gotten my insurance, and I'm ready to go! People have been saying that because things have fallen into place for me, that this journey was meant to be. I can finally say with my whole heart that it was meant to be.

Now all I have to do is email those several agencies and proudly say "Thanks but NO THANKS!" I have been so frustrated with them that I'm sure this will be a fun exercise for me.

Here is a picture of the view out of my new Parisian apartment:

Joyeux Noel!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why didn't I stick with Twilight?

For some reason last night after I went to the Symphony (and watched Jersey Shore) I got in bed and instead of reading the epilogue of Eclipse, I picked up my other book...the one about Le Cordon Bleu. I was about 30 pages into the Basic Cuisine section. I had stopped reading it because it was freaking me out. It was so similar to my life and decision to go to Paris that I was worried that it would make me get really anxious. Well I started reading it again, and boy did I get freaked out.

Not only was there a chapter on beheading innocent little bunnies (don't tell Lily!), but she goes through the final exam process and it really made me nervous. I had decided that I wanted to be at the top of my class a couple of weeks ago- this woman ended up sobbing on the floor of the locker room after a Chef told her she was wasting her time coming to school there. To say I'm nervous is an understatement- it's possible to fail this program, what would I DO if I failed? I'm nervous enough just getting ready to leave let alone if my mirepoix isn't perfect.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning to deal with apartment stuff, I lost yet ANOTHER apartment. Fortunately, one of the original selections has become available again so I am going to sign the contract. OF COURSE in Paris signing a contract doesn't actually mean anything, because 19 other people could have signed the contract, and of course because of the time change, it's the weekend there, so nothing will happen until next week. I"VE HAD IT with Paris housing agencies.

I've cleaned out my apt, and am about to take my car up to Napa to leave it at Dominique and Boz's house. One of the last things I have to do before I leave Sunday morning!

Je suis tres fatigue, a bientot!

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Pretty Welcome Folder!

Well, I just got my official "welcome packet"!!! It's really really exciting! Yesterday was horrendous. That housing agency I was working with made me run around town to get all my paperwork together and fax it to them (it cost me $22!) only for them to email me saying "Unfortunately there are 4 or 5 other people ahead of you for this apartment". WHAT???? Why couldn't they tell me that BEFORE I went to get all my paperwork in? I was SO mad.

I went on VRBO, Craigslist and just about every agency site in Paris. I found one and's available!!! I emailed her back this morning saying that I would like to rent it so please reserve it for me! Hopefully this one works out. It's in the 7e and a block from Le Tour Eiffel!! It's a 30 minute walk to school and 2 stops on the train if I take le metro. I'm really hoping this one works out, I'm OVER this housing situation.

Back to my welcome packet- it has my orientation day information, a map of Paris, a metro map, visa information (luckily I don't need one!), and other course information. There's a 4 day wine course that they are offering to students, if it fits in with my other classes, I'm IN. I'd love to learn about wine!

Here are some pictures of my beautiful folder, even the way they write my name and address (incorrectly) is prettier. I can't wait to get over there!

A Bientot!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Wharton was cake compared to Le Cordon Bleu"

Today, after I freaked out and cried to my parents (thanks for talking me down mom and dad!) I went to Ryan's to do some work on my blog and to print some documents out. I went to Kinko's and tried to fax my apartment documents to the agency. Obviously it didn't go through. My fax to Le Cordon Bleu went through, but not the really important one! Frustrated and angry- I went to meet Goergia, MB and Katie Ho at Ottimistta on Union. We were chatting about my new adventure and a woman interrupted us and said "are you going to Le Cordon Bleu in Paris??"

Turns out she went to Le Cordon Bleu...AFTER she went to Wharton Business School. She very plainly said that Wharton was cake compared to LCB. She was very sweet and I'm going to meet her on Friday so she can make a copy of all of her notes for me (very VERY nice) but I'm more nervous than I was this morning. She said it was the hardest thing she's ever had to do. She also told me that I really need to learn the metric system before I go. Anyone who knows me knows that math is NOT my strong suit. I'm going to see if I can get an easy book on learning the metric system tomorrow. That will be much harder for me than learning French.

I'm going to call Valerie tomorrow and hopefully get all of her notes...and also try and fax the documents to Paris again. I hope I'm able to sleep tonight.

Bon Soir!

Panic is starting to set in

I heard back from the agency and I'm moving forward on one of their apartments. I freaked about the one in the 3e because I was nervous it was too far from school and far from Zu. The agency is requiring a lot of information within 24 hours and I'm trying to get it all together. I skyped them in a panic because I need a certificate of insurance, but the insurance website won't let me proceed without a contract number from the agency. It's a little bit like which came first? the chicken or the egg?

I have my flights to and from Paris- so I suppose I should be pleased with that. I leave out of Toronto on Jan 2 and return to SF at 2:30pm on March 19th. I will sleep from the moment I get back to my apt here so I can be fresh as a daisy for your wedding MB!

The school is requiring me to RE-SEND my uniform size information, which makes me wonder...did they lose my passport photos too? I'm going to Ryan's this afternoon to print all sorts of info out and then fax them to France from a Kinko's or something. Moral of this blog entry- one should always own a printer/scanner/copier as this is a royal pain to deal with!

For those of you who don't already have Skype...GET IT! that's how I'm going to be able to call for free! My Skype name is carolyngioia, if you're a member already add me as a contact! I'm new, so be patient with me!

I should probably get off my blog and get cracking on all the stuff I need to do. I can't believe I'm actually moving to Paris...I'm freaking out.

Ps. Thanks to Ryan SO much for helping me make my blog cool! You're the best

A Bientot!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Check it off the list!

My San Francisco apartment has been subletted! I am SO relieved to have found someone great. John is 28 and will be studying for the Bar here for January and February...aka won't be having wild parties in my house!

I went to Target today (which was a nightmare) and got 6 tide sticks to clean my chef's jacket and some undershirts to wear under my jackets. I'm told that I will be sweating like CRAZY during the practical portion of the day so I wanted just something light to wear.

I hope to have all my apt in Paris dealt with this week! I have 2 in mind with the same agency and I'm just waiting to hear back from the agent again. Zuzu is over there already and might look at one for me, but part of my thinks it's more adventurous to just get one and figure it out? 1 of the places is a 1 month minimum, and the other is a 3 month minimum- what if I HATE the second one? then I'm stuck for another 2 months. I'm sure it will all work out- I'm just so excited that SF is dealt with and the rent is covered...FEW!

Keep your fingers crossed that I hear back from the Paris agency tomorrow!

A Bientot!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

One Step Closer!

I finally got a hold of my landlord and asked told her about my adventure. She couldn't have been more supportive! AND she said that she'd be perfectly fine with my subletting my place while I'm in Paris! To say that's a sigh of relief is an understatement. I was losing a lot of sleep over whether or not I'd be able to sublet.

I've also been communicating with an agency in Paris about renting an apartment. It's a great studio (furnished) in the 7th arrondissement. It has a sofabed on the first floor and 2 beds up in a loft so visitors are all welcome (it sure will be cozy!) The French are very formal, every email I receive from either Le Cordon Bleu or the agency say "Dear Miss GIOIA". I really like it- it makes me feel special. The only downfall of being in California dealing with this is the time difference. I send emails and get responses at 4am, oh well!

I've posted my apt in SF on craigslist- hopefully I can find someone to live here for January and February in the next couple of weeks...that will be such a relief.

I'm off to the AT&T store to see if I can take my iphone over there...this should be interesting

a bientot!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bienvenue sur Le Cordon Bleu Paris!!

I got the's official! I'm going to Paris!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited and VERY freaked out. I had such a great time in Buffalo for Thanksgiving and everyone I talked to was so excited and supportive. Sarah Mitchell who did the basic program in London got me SUPER excited about the program itself, she thinks I'm going to love it...FEW!

Now begins the stress: Telling my landlord, trying to sublet, finding an apt. in Paris, breaking in my kitchen shoes, buying enough wife beaters to wear under my chef's coat...and the list goes on!

I'm so happy that people have been giving me names of people that live in Paris- I'm contacting everyone I possibly can to have friends there. A friend from Buffalo Zuzu is there and will be starting the intermediate course when I start basic. She's been SO helpful so far and we're emailing about different housing agencies that she found helpful. She's also telling me which neighborhoods I want to live in, what to wear under my jacket, telling me that LCB has an infinite supply of hair nets, and that the knife kit is as cool as I think it will be.

I sent in all my information and tuition (YIKES) yesterday and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my uniform(s) and knife kit. Here is a picture of Mom measuring my head for my Chef's hat (22.5 inches!)...don't worry I will put the whole getup on when I receive it.

I spent the morning emailing housing agencies...I'm interested to see what kind of furnished studios they can come up with. I'll keep you all posted!

A Bientot

Monday, November 23, 2009

Application Day!

I wanted to start my blog on the day that I submitted my application to Le Cordon Bleu because today is the day my journey officially begins. Today is the day I made the official decision to leave everything I know and head off on an amazing adventure abroad.

I plan to take you through my journey from start to finish: the good, the bad, and the ugly! I hope to take as many pictures as I can in class. I'm told that cameras aren't allowed in the classrooms- but we'll see about that!

...and yes, I will post a picture of me in my ridiculous LCB uniform- complete with 'neckerchief'

Thanks for coming on this journey with me!

a bientot!