Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Since the tart incident. I had a glass of Chinon (the kind we had in class yesterday), ate the leftovers from lunch (penne arrabiata) and took a walk around the block keeping my eyes on the Eiffel Tower.

I am in Paris.

I am in Paris cooking.

I am in Paris learning more about something I love.

I am in Paris learning more about something I love and meeting incredible people.

I'm over the tart. I'm re-focused and am ready to KILL it tomorrow.

(Ok I watched an episode of Entourage and Ari Gold inspired me...is that so wrong?)

1 comment:

  1. OK, I admit it, I am eagerly following your blog as well--ah, Paris. Keep cooking and soaking everything in--it is a fabulous life experience! I also hope to get to taste some of the fruit of your labors in the future. Kimmy
