Friday, May 14, 2010

Iceland, you've really done it this time!

Beach is stuck in Iceland. That damn volcano has decided to spu ash again, and she's stuck, ALONE in Iceland! The poor thing had to take a bus for 6 hours in Iceland, and is hoping to get to Paris tomorrow. I'm just so darn SICK of this volcano! Sure it was funny the first time Gill said her plane was canceled due to a volcano, but this just isn't funny anymore!

This week has been pretty quiet around LCB. Monday we had demo then practical and made the most delicious meal. We made pan fried steak, turned potatoes cooked in goose fat, a celery flan and madeira sauce, and I have to say...I killed it! We had Chef Thivet who has really grown on me. In demos he seems completely disorganized and not prepped, but manages to finish with plenty of time remaining and is just so happy all the time! I really like him. We had him in practical and I was nervous, I've never gotten more than a "bon travaille" or "bien' from him and because he did the demo, I wanted to knock it out of the park. It was really fun, we got to decorate the top of the flan with blanched strips of leek leaves and carrot and celery root rounds. I thought I would hate that part, but I actually really liked it. I got a 'magnifique' from Chef Thivet and he said my sauce was 'parfait'. I was thrilled!

Here's a picture of the dish after he had tasted it, so it was a little messy.

We had our student soiree on Wednesday night which was SUPER fun at this bar in the 6th. It's so great seeing everyone all dolled up and letting loose together, but I'll tell you what: there are about 25 people that I know! I didn't recognize anyone!

Well I'm off to study and pray that Beach arrives tomorrow morning, I can't imagine what she's doing in Iceland!

A bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Dawg! To say I am jealous of your experience in Paris would be an extreme understatement. It sounds amazing and I am happy for you. Congratulations on graduating from Le Cordon Bleu, and good luck with the intermediate stage. I will continue to follow your progress online and live vicariously through your experiences.
    -Richard (your [favorite] cousin)
